Please donate anything you can spare, or a regular monthly donation to our charity using the details below:

Account name: WIILMA

Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc

Account number: 45835368

Sort code: 30-90-89

IBAN: GB37 LOYD 3090 8945 8353 68


WIILMA is an innovative charity & community support organisation, we reduce loneliness & isolation, run bereavement & loss projects such as WIILMA pets, bring our communities together to form social connections, to help build stronger, more resilient communities and advocate for our communities nationally and regionally on a range of issues that impact us all such as disability access and isolation.

We don’t have the budgets of big charities and are run by volunteers, we would so appreciate anything you can spare, and get involved with our story.

Once again…

Account name: WIILMA

Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc

Account number: 45835368

Sort code: 30-90-89

IBAN: GB37 LOYD 3090 8945 8353 68


As a volunteer run not-for-profit, every penny makes a difference in helping us to achieve our mission. If you would like to make a donation, please do so using our bank details.


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