London Intergenerational Pedestrian Seen & Unseen Disability Network
LIPSAUDN - A new london wide community support network & collaborative forum for pedestrians as well as passengers with seen and unseen disabilities.
For private individuals, community projects, groups & practitioners to raise awareness and share needs, issues and experiences around pedestrian and disability issues across London’s 32 boroughs as well to raise a greater understanding and awareness of people with unseen disabilities.
If you wish to join the network please send an email to with LIPSAUDN in the subject header confirming:
Name if you are an individual.
Name, role & organisation.
Why you wish to join.
Providing a support forum and space to discuss issues of concern, and shared experience.
A forum to discuss what improvement could make the lives of pedestrians and disabled people better and safer across London.
This includes the sharing of information, sources of support and opportunities.
To share learning.
To work collaboratively with different agencies to achieve shared goals and aims for improved safety for all.
For a faster reply please copy in and put “LONDON intergenerational pedestrian & disability Network” in the Subject header.
WIILMA is a grassroots community support & cohesion organisation and charity that launched and is supporting this initiative.